Selected Works in American Sign Language

Below are some of my works in American Sign Language (ASL), which include essays, poems, and translations. Some of the original ASL works have English translations.


"Seeing Music: An Inquiry into the Place of Music in Deaf Culture"

ASL version

Seeing Music?.pdf

"Seeing Music: An Inquiry into the Place of Music in Deaf Culture"

English version

"Non-Vocal Deaf People vs. Vocal Deaf People"

ASL (English translation posted on YouTube)

"Contact Linguistics: ASL & English"


"The Wrong Kind of Peace"

ASL (English translation posted on YouTube)

"Should Christians Show Their Anger?"



ASL with English captions (English transcript posted on YouTube)


"The Phantasmagorical Value"

ASL (English translation posted on YouTube)

"The Creation"

ASL/Visual Vernacular

"The Moonlight"

Click here for the English translation by John Lee Clark

Translation Works

American Society of Addiction Medicine Booklet on Opioid Addiction Treatment

ASL translation (funded by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services)

President Biden's Inaugural Address

ASL translation

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" by Dr. Seuss

ASL translation

"How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World" by Marjorie Priceman

ASL translation

"Twas the Night before Christmas" by Clement Clarke Moore

ASL translation

"Afterword" by Jeffrey Harrison

ASL translation

"The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key

ASL translation